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Cancellation Policy

We understand that circumstances may arise, and we aim to accommodate your bookings to the best of our ability. LARO Studio requires a full 24 hours notice for cancelling appointments. Clients are encouraged to log in to their account on the online booking app to cancel appointments. Alternatively, if online cancellation is not feasible, clients can contact us directly.

Cancellations must be made with a minimum of 24 hours notice. A fee of C$100 will be charged for cancellations or appointment reschedules without a 24-hour notice. The detailed cancellation policy is as follows:

Effective January 1, 2024, LARO Studio considers every appointment made to be important. Your appointment is reserved exclusively for you, and when it is cancelled without sufficient notice or missed entirely, it is detrimental to our operations and may prevent another client from booking the time slot. While we understand that circumstances may arise, we greatly appreciate timely cancellations.

Here are the key points of our cancellation/missed appointment policy:

  • – A full 24-hour notice is required for cancelling appointments.
  • – Clients should log in to their account on the LARO Studio online booking app to cancel appointments. Online cancellations can only be made with 24+ hours notice.
  • – If a cancellation occurs with less than 24 hours before the appointment time, the client will be billed C$100 for every hour of the booked appointment.
  • – This policy also applies to same-day bookings.
  • – If we are unable to access the real estate listing upon arrival or encounter threatening behaviour from tenants, the Realtor will be billed for the full cost of their scheduled appointment.

Clients receive email appointment reminders 2 (two) days before their scheduled session. While clients can deactivate these reminders in their profile, they are encouraged to keep them activated to avoid missing appointments. In rare instances of technical issues preventing reminders from being sent, clients are still responsible for attending or cancelling appointments on time.

If uncertainty arises regarding appointment details, clients can log into their profile or contact LARO Studios via email to confirm.

For clients who have purchased prepaid real estate content packages, cancellations or missed sessions with less than 24 hours notice will count towards their prepaid sessions. Additionally, in cases where LARO Studios cancels appointments with less than 24 hours notice, clients are entitled to discounted rates for their next appointments.

Missed appointments and late cancellations are payable via credit card, debit or e-transfer. Receipts for cancellations should not be misrepresented as services rendered, as this constitutes fraud. We appreciate prompt payment and may offer bundle discounts to clients with a history of timely payments.